5 basics of a webinar

Webinars create an opportunity to build a sense of event around your ideas, value and information. Webinar can be live or recorded. Webinar is a great tool, it is time and cost effective. More than that, it is interactive for your prospects, so when you present the information, the audience can question and clarify anything that interests them.

Webinars can simply help your prospects to choose or not to choose your company. This is not like a traditional sales, you can really make this more efficient. You either let them to self-educate by great content available online or help them discover if they want to proceed with you during a webinar.

Many companies think they can make webinars without proper planning. With this I mean that they do not have any sales strategy or plan. You should perhaps think what is your goal with every single webinar. You can ask questions such: “What do I want the participant to do afterwards?”, “What do you want them to learn?”, “What further action should they take?”. You should simply transmit the clear message.

I think we should follow next 5 essentials when executing the webinar:

1. Focus on a catchy title and description: When you´re about to deliver a webinar, you probably know who is your audience and what are their needs. Adjust the title to their needs, emphasise something that would bring them high value.

2. Prepare: If you want to deliver a successful webinar, there is a preparation needed. It may sound weird, but you could practise the flow of information you want to provide during the webinar. Your goal is to inform and persuade.

3. Provide quality: The most important thing about quality is audio and video. The audience must be able to understand you well without any background noise. Depending how serious you are with webinars, you should invest in good audio tools.

4. Keep it simple & short: Giving a simple, sometimes basic but important content to your audience, is sometimes more important then trying to cover too much information in a 60 minute slot. Do not overload people with non-relevant things. If you do not find 1 hour enough, create more webinars out of the same topic for a shorter time like 30-45 minute.

5. Keep it fluent and entertaining: You must keep the audience engaged, either in live or recorded webinar. They can easily get distracted if you´re boring. Also, your slides should change every 30 seconds to 1 minute for them to stay awake and follow what you´re presenting.

There are many other key points or important information to deliver excellent webinars. Do you know any? Then share it 🙂